2025 Street Rod Nationals Bendigo UPDATE #4
17th January 2025
It is now 2025, the year of the 26th Australian Street Rod Federation Nationals. With just a few months to go till Easter, a reminder that entries received after January 31st will not be eligible to receive a goody bag or free entrant’s t-shirt, so please be aware of this if you are planning to enter the Nationals and get your entry in ASAP.
Once again we remind you that no entries will be accepted after Friday 14th March 2025, or at the event.
Entry numbers are now closing in on the 1,000 mark at the time of writing this Nationals update, so make sure you’ve entered & you’re there too. No meal orders will be accepted on entries received after January 31st, as we are required to finalise our meal numbers with the caterers.
Onsite camping at the showgrounds has been steadily filling up, so you will need to get your entry in sooner rather than later if you are planning to camp on site at the Nationals. We have endeavoured to group clubs & mates together when requested, but as it reaches capacity, that may not always be possible, we will do our best to get you in though.
One thing to note that the showgrounds have requested is that the release of grey water directly onto the ground from caravans & RV’s etc, WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.
We are also looking to finalise orders for club tents shortly, once again to pass on our numbers to the supplier of the club tents.
We¹ve had a couple of queries on different topics relating to the Nationals, so hopefully this will clear up any doubts on the questions that have been asked.
Can you enter a second car at the Nationals? Yes you certainly can. A second vehicle can only be added to a family or couple entry & can cruise the showgrounds & compete in any of the driving events, including the Go-Whoa, but will not be eligible for voting, only one vehicle per entry is eligible for trophy voting.
Can you cruise the showgrounds at any time? Cruising within the showgrounds will not be allowed during public access times on Saturday & Sunday to reduce the potential of incidents between vehicles & pedestrians.
The Go-Whoa, driving events and cruising in the showgrounds (outside public access times) will provide plenty of action throughout the course of the event. The Go-Whoa entry numbers have been steadily increasing which will ensure plenty of action during the timeslots allocated to competing in the Go-Whoa & be a major highlight of the weekend for both entrants & spectators.
By the time you are reading this, you should have received a Go-Whoa entry form from head office if you indicated that you are wanting to compete when you sent in your Nationals entry form.
As previously mentioned, mini-rods are welcome at the Nationals, and will have their own designated cruise track and allocated times for the kids to bring them out and show them off. We have also added some time into the Go-Whoa itinerary for the kids to compete in their mini-rods at the Go-Whoa which will surely put a smile on their faces.
Rocker cover racing has also been added to the itinerary, so get working on your rocker cover now to have it up & running at the Nationals.
Details for all activities are available on the Nationals website www.2025bendigostreetrodnationals.com.au
On Good Friday there will be an observation run for those who want to check out the local Bendigo area & do a bit of cruising.
As recently mentioned, a Monday wind-down cruise has been added to the itinerary for those who aren’t heading home on Monday morning.
This will be a low key event, cruising to Inglewood, which is an historic gold rush town approximately 45 kilometres from Bendigo.
On arrival participants will be free to explore the town, visit a couple of antique shops and grab a bite to eat at the various eateries in the town.
To assist with numbers attending, a form is available on the ASRF website Nationals page to fill in to indicate you are wanting to attend, so please fill it in & return it to head office.
We¹d still like to hear from any clubs who would be willing to give up some time over the course of the Nationals to help out with some of the things that require assistance at the event, such as registration, vehicle entry gates, cooking Friday night and Sunday morning, use of club barbecues etc, to name a few.
A roster is currently being worked on to include the clubs & entrants that have so far volunteered. If you or your club would be willing to donate some time over the weekend, we would love to hear from you.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Your club can send an email to indicate your availability to help out to nationals@asrf.org.au
So for now, check out the website, www.2025bendigostreetrodnationals.com.au and get your entry forms in ASAP if you’re planning to enter the Nationals.
A merchandise form will be forwarded to you from head office with your entry receipt if you¹d like to pre-order any of the great merchandise items on offer.
Only entrant’s vehicles will be permitted to enter the showgrounds over the course of the event, and there will be NO single day passes for vehicles.
We look forward to seeing you in Bendigo at Easter.
Greg Morrissey 26th Australian Street Rod Federation Nationals.
2025 ASRF Street Rod Nationals Update #4
Website: 2025bendigostreetrodnationals
For more information 2025 Nationals Update #4
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